Summerhill Care recognizes that prospective Service users should have the opportunity to choose a home, which suits their needs. To facilitate that choice, we do the following:

• Provide detailed information on the service by publishing a Service user guide.

• Ensure that every prospective Service user has his or her needs thoroughly assessed before a decision on admission is taken.

• Demonstrate to every person about to be offered a tenancy that we are confident we can meet his or her needs as assessed.

• Offer introductory visits to prospective Service users and avoid unplanned admissions except in cases of emergency.

Our aim is to open more home care to help the communities and to support the local authorities which are intended to provide suitable environments where Service users can experience independent living in the community. 

Summerhill Care aims to help our Service users develop the skills, tailored to the individual’s capabilities, that they need to live more independently, and integrate into the local community.

The ways in which we support Service users may include providing advice, prompting or assistance with:

• Correspondence related to their tenancy.

• Budgeting, paying household bills, and claiming appropriate benefits.

• Meal planning, shopping and cooking.

• Domestic upkeep of their tenancy.

• Maintaining the security and safety of the property.

• Opportunities for employment or voluntary work. 

• Opportunities for education and leisure.

• Registering with GP and dentist or their choice and maintaining links with

appropriate healthcare services.

• Taking any prescribed medication.

• Responding to their challenging needs in liaison with other agencies involved in their support and care.

• Maintaining / developing community links and relationships.


Our units are all fit for purpose and fully compliant with health & safety expectations. Units cover: Semi-independent living (Shared), floating support.

Summerhill Care offer 3 forms of accommodations – shared accommodation (floating support) for over 18-65 year olds, shared accommodation for 18-65 year olds (semi-independent living) and *emergency placement*.

These are:

  • Grosvenor Road Newham 


This is a 4 Bedroom apartment located at a siren atmosphere.  The home benefits from 4 spacious en-suite bedrooms with views of the areas close to town.

We are proud of our home-cooked meals and our excellent programme of activities, which are designed to keep residents happy, stimulated and engaged. The care team’s mission is to ensure that all residents stay independent and make their own decisions.

If you would like to arrange an appointment to view our home or discuss your loved one’s requirements, please contact us immediately.


Grosvenor Road Newham

Summerhill Care and Recruitment


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Summerhill Care provides an environment that is supportive and responds to the need to safeguard our Service users in the following ways:


Religious Observations

Service users who wish to practice in their faith, religion and beliefs are given the appropriate support to do so.

Summerhill care will:

• Contact any local place of worship on the Service users’ behalf and arrange transport if required.

• Summerhill Care will support service users to practice their faith religion and beliefs

• Strive to meet the needs of Service users of a different faith/ religion. These will be discussed with the registered manager prior to admission.


All employees undergo continuous mandatory and service specific training to ensure Summerhill care continue to deliver a high-quality service. All new employees receive full mandatory training via the company’s induction programme.

All support workers have achieved or are working towards an appropriate Diploma level 2 and 3 qualifications. Training needs are reviewed regularly during monthly supervision sessions, and annual appraisals reflect on both the individual learning goals and the needs of the service. 

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SUMMERHILL CARE offers accommodation to individuals who require a supported living placement; individuals with learning disabilities, mental health and complex needs with 24 hours staffing available.

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